TWikiGroups #187; All Authenticated Users Group This is a special group all authenticated users belong. The main use of this group is to lift a web level restriction...
TWikiGroups #187; All Users Group This is a special group literally all users belong. The main use of this group is to lift a web level restriction at the topic level...
App Appraisal Header Below text gets included by each App Appraisal topic : Page for your opinions about . For development discussions and Support see . Feedback...
Statistics for App Appraisals The statistics between the horizontal rulers gets included by each App Appraisal topic. This is a static table for testing purposes:...
Contents ParaWorld Application Development Guide This is a portal page containing all you need to know in order to develop a third party application for ParaWorld...
Form Definition for ParaEngine Application Page Note: This web has two forms: This AppForm for PE Application page, and WebForm for all other types of topics...
AppManager Managing the loading, unloading and message dispatching for all applications. Title Managing the loading, unloading and message dispatching for...
ArtGroup Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP ZhangYu,WenJianhua,WangHaijun,TaoWei,HePing,LiuXiao,MaTianyu,ZhangHuixiang,ChenLiang,TangQing...
Art Pipeline () What is an art pipeline? An art pipeline, in tangible form, is a text document written by a member (such as TechnicalArtist (TA)) of an art team...
Assets App Asset app allows users to upload and create photo and 3D model albums and share with friends. Users can also customize which photos or 3D models to be included...
CommonCtrl.AutoHide It gives auto hide capability to any container one specifies. Title It gives auto hide capability to any container one specifies. Author...
C /CLI LiXizhi says: there is a major difference between syntax of C .net and the most recent C /CLI. u need the recent one, of course. http://en.wikipedia...
CommonCtrl.Canvas3D A 3D canvas container for displaying picture, 3D scene Title A 3D canvas container for displaying picture, 3D scene Author(s) LiXizhi...
Character Customization Application Add short description here of your application. Summary of Contents Screenshots User Guide ccs avatar registration page...
ChatApp Add short description here of your application. Summary of Contents Screenshots User Guide Detailed Documentation http://www.process
CommonCtrl.CheckBox a CheckBox control using a button and a text; Title a CheckBox control using a button and a text; Author(s) SunLingfeng, LiXizhi...
#35780; #35770; This is a quiet island. I`m a vistor just have been here. You know, with someone else. Lisa and Jack. I don`t know what they are doing here so I talked...
Coding Style in ParaEngine coding conventions used in C , NPL, C# projects in ParaEngine. Edited by LiXizhi References Lua Coding Style: http://lua users...
CommonCtrl.ContextMenu Context menu, using a tree view internally for sub level menus. It has a modern appearance. Title Context menu, using a tree view internally...
commonlib.DataBinding binding npl data table (members) to other IDE controls or ParaUIObject. it is a two way binding. Title binding npl data table (members...
Debug Application When this application is installed, press F12 key to bring the debug window at any time. The debug applications have two modules: Debug window...
Getting Started is Easy When you`re ready to build a ParaWorld Platform application, just add the Developer Application to your program directory. Launch the Developer...
Developer Application Developers is an application to create, edit, submit other applications. Application developers can create a new application from several predefined...
Documentation for Developers This topic covers documentation for developers who are developing and refining core modules of ParaEngine and NPL. Currently only for...
LiXizhi 20 Feb 2008 LiXizhi image: A wiki champion The wiki champion is a coach assisting you with best practices in collaboration A wiki champion is a person...
How to Write Documentation for NPL and ParaEngine NPL and ParaEngine uses Doxygen to document the APIs and global variables in the code. This will explain the basics...
ParaWorld Preview Release Time The preview version of ParaWorld is already released. Please email to support #64; to get its download link. Currently...
CommonCtrl.dropdownlistbox a dropdown listbox control using a textbox, a button and a listbox Title a dropdown listbox control using a textbox, a button and...
#27979; #35797; Add short description here of your application. Summary of Contents Screenshots User Guide Detailed Documentation Installation Instructions...
File Encoding NPL text and code encoding is changed from system default to UTF8. This is a major change, especially for file related strings. Use `script...
CommonCtrl.FileExplorerCtrl a control that displaying folder/files using a treeview control Title a control that displaying folder/files using a treeview control...
CommonCtrl.FlashPlayerControl flash player control: it can play swf or flv movie files. Title flash player control: it can play swf or flv movie files....
Frame Rate Optimization Excerpt and partially modified from Game Studio Manual A7: Frame Rate Optimization The frame rate is the number of frames rendered per second...
CommonCtrl.GridView GridView is a container showing 2 dimensional array of data in matrix display form. Title GridView is a container showing 2 dimensional...
CommonCtrl.GridView3D Member Functions GridCell3D:new common control library NPL.load(`(gl)script/ide/common control.lua`); Grid Cell 3D Represents a cell of...
Hello Chat (KongFuChat) A simple chat application for demo Summary of Contents (code name HelloChat) is 3d chat application created on top of ParaWorld...
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Modules in NPL Source code and documentation of most IDE modules can be found at script/ide/ folder. This topic provides...
InsidePEGroup Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP LiXizhi, CaoYF, FengYp, LeioZhang, TanLeo, TianWang, TinilChain, TntKaka, LiLixuan, HelloBen...
JGSL client The jabber client will send the first message to the server, and wait for the server`s reply until the next message is sent. If the client does not receive...
JGSL server OBSOLETED use JGSL grid instead: When a jabber server receives a message from the client, it will accept it or reject it. If accepted, it will reply so...
JGSL serverproxy epolling style server proxy for client communicating with server. Title epolling style server proxy for client communicating with server....
JgslLib Design doc of Jabber Game Server Lite(JGSL) Author(s) LiXizhi Date: 2007/11/6, doc replenished 2008.6.22 by LiXizhi, refactored by 2008.12.27 LiXizhi...
We are hiring We are seeking passionate people who could join us in the development of the next generation game technologies and its applications. At ParaEngine, you...
KidsDevGroup Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP LiXizhi, CaoYF, LeioZhang, TianWang, Main.Spring, WuPeng, Main.Crow, Main.Bension, HelloBen...
Kids Movie Creator Official Web Site English : 01/ Chinese : 01/ Release Date 2006.12 All Paratoon...
commonlib.LibStub LibStub is a simple versioning stub meant for use in Libraries Title LibStub is a simple versioning stub meant for use in Libraries Author...
CommonCtrl.Locale A simple lib for managing localization completely in the scripting interface. Title A simple lib for managing localization completely in...
Login App Login and registrations for the community Summary of Contents Front Page #32534; #36753; #19979; #38754; #30340; #39029; #38754; #21487; #20197;...
MCML Controls header file for all mcml tag node definitions and data binding controls Title header file for all mcml tag node definitions and data binding controls...
Getting Started With MCML The MCML is an XML format describing profile and other display items in ParaWorld, such as task, quick action, action feed, tradableitem...
Do not edit this page . It is automatically generated from `script/kids/3DMapSystemApp/MCML/readme.lua`, so edit the source file instead. What is MCML? MCML...
CommonCtrl.MainMenu Main menu, using buttons with top level menu item, and a tree view internally for child level menus. It has a modern appearance. Title...
Map App Add short description here of your application. Summary of Contents Screenshots User Guide Detailed Documentation Installation Instructions Note:...
CommonCtrl.MinisceneManager mini scene graph manager.which allows a miniscenegraph to load an onload script the same way as the main scene Title mini scene...
Modeling Tools Guide This topic teachs you how to mod for ParaEngine. check out Mod Guide Reference Book Contents Building Mod Character Mod ParaX Exporter...
CommonCtrl.MultilineEditbox multiline textbox from a treeview. It supports readonly, show line number and syntax highlighting Title multiline textbox from a...
Optimaze you NPL/Lua Code Basic facts from Lua GEM book: Before running any code, Lua translates (precompiles) the source...
Debugging NPL scripts NPL scripts are compiled at load time; compile time and runtime errors are output to the ./log.txt file. Typically debugging NPL scripts is an...
commonlib.NPLDocGen Generating NPL wiki page documentation from source code. Title Generating NPL wiki page documentation from source code. Author(s...
NPL Questions and Answers This document is not a traditional FAQ, but rather a quick guide showing you what to do when you run into problems with the NPL. `Why can...
ParaEngine Log files log.txt file General log file is the first place to examine for errors when programming with NPL. You can discover compiling errors, runtime...
ParaEngine is a distributed 3D computer game engine. It aims to develop the next generation multiple player online game, where the game world content and logics are...
Current NPL built version is 0.9.1 Introduction In distributed game engine, it is common to deal with thousands of interactive entities on the local runtime and among...
NPL UI and Event / @page ParaEngine events ParaEngine Events @author LiXizhi bind the event register example function helloworld.ReBindEventHandlers() NPL.load...
Your App Name Add short description here of your application. Summary of Contents Screenshots User Guide Detailed Documentation Installation Instructions Note...
NPL Reference Manual (weekly built version) NPL reference manual Note: The reference manual is on Intranet of ParaEngine. You may not be able to see any content in...
CommonCtrl.NumericUpDown Represents a Windows spin box (also known as an up down control) that displays numeric values. Title Represents a Windows spin box...
CommonCtrl.ObjEditor the object editor for ParaEngine 3D environment development library Title the object editor for ParaEngine 3D environment development library...
Convert Open Office File to Twiki Click Upload and Convert a file You will be asked to upload the OpenOffice ( .odt) file. Note : If you are using Microsoft...
Official Applications TODO: designers should add preview and review of all official applications, here. Browse and search for all official and third party applications...
Official Documentation Official documentation pages were written and carefully reviewed by ParaEngine software engineers. General Reference Installation...
CommonCtrl.OneTimeAsset for managing (texture) asset that is mostly used only once during the application, such as game front page, on load movie, etc. Title...
CommonCtrl.os emulating operating system message queue, windows hook, and windows behavior Title emulating operating system message queue, windows hook, and...
PackageMaker A PackageMaker is an application to create a redistributable zip package. A zip package may contain part of, one or several application redistributable...
LiXizhi writes: 2008 3 16 Task description we want to implement a 3d game world to flash viewer exporter. The 3D game scene of a user tile world is exported to a...
ParaEngine Company Page About us ParaEngine Corporation (P.E.) focuses on the research and development of a distributed computer game engine called ParaEngine. Based...
Boot Strapping in ParaEngine Boot strapping is a technique to specify the boot script and boot order of an application. Bootstrapper file is a xml file to be loaded...
ParaEngine Change History / @page ParaEngine change ParaEngine Change History @author LiXizhi 2008.11.24 paraworld solution is ported from vs 2005 to vs...
ParaEngine CSS Skin. It will override PatternSkin site Wide. I made this mainly for the top bar. More information, please see the PatternSkinCssCookbook To add new...
ParaEngine Wiki Documentation Welcome to the community Wiki for the ParaEngine. This is a collection of articles about ParaEngine written by both its creators and...
ParaEngine Technology Licensing We encourage the use of ParaEngine and NPL for a large developer audience, especially in our 3D social networking platform ParaWorld...
ParaEngine MVP Program Introduction ParaEngine Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) are exceptional technical community leaders from around the world who are awarded...
PARAENGINE CORPORATION NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT FOR MVP This Non Disclosure Agreement (the `Agreement`) is made and entered into as of the later of the two signature...
Introduction to ParaEngine Download BrochureSee Screen Shot ParaEngine is a distributed 3D computer game engine. It aims to develop the next generation multiple player...
ParaWorld ParaWorld is a social web 3D platform. In ParaWorld, each user has its own avatar, virtual land, and can build up their dream world easily. People can play...
ParaWorld Actionfeed a central place per application for selling and buying tradable items. Title a central place per application for selling and buying tradable...
ParaWorld Apps a central place per application for selling and buying tradable items. Title a central place per application for selling and buying tradable...
ParaWorld Auth It is for client and application to authenticate a user and return or verify a session key. Title It is for client and application to authenticate...
ParaWorld Inventory a central place per application for selling and buying tradable items. Title a central place per application for selling and buying tradable...
ParaWorld Map a central place per application for selling and buying tradable items. Title a central place per application for selling and buying tradable...
ParaWorld Marketplace a central place per application for selling and buying tradable items. Title a central place per application for selling and buying tradable...
Paracraft SDK Walk Through Fast walk through video for users and partners. Download and then watch offline for HD version. Paracraft SDK Introduction Paracraft...
Andy, Lorne, Xizhi, Let us design bag and item system here Draft thought of Xizhi Global Store ID int , Unique Indexed PrimeKey asset string key like...
TWikiGroups #187; TWiki Administrator Group This is a super user group that has access to all content, regardless of access control. This group has also access to...
TWiki Administrator User The TWikiAdminUser has been added to TWiki to make it possible to login without needing to create a TWiki User, or to temporarily login...
TWiki Contributor Not an actual user of this site, but a person devoting some of his/her time to contribute to the Open Source TWiki project. TWikiContributor lists...
The TWikiGuest User A guest of this TWiki site, or a user who is not logged in. Register create an account to participate in this TWiki site Starting points...
Local customizations of site wide preferences Site level preferences are located in 1 , however this 2 prefs topic has override priority and should be used for...
The TWikiRegistrationAgent User This is a TWiki user used by TWiki when it registers new users. This user has special access to write to , and does not have...
List of TWiki Users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the list by...
The UnknownUser User UnknownUser is a reserved name in TWiki. If the UnknownUser appears, it is probably because author information for a topic could not be recovered...
Header of User Profile Pages Note: This is a maintenance topic, used by the TWiki Administrator. The part between the horizontal rules gets included at the top...
Web Notification This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this Main web. This is a convenient service, so...