
well known application keys

Title well known application keys
Author(s) LiXizhi
Date 2008/1/3
File script/kids/3DMapSystemApp/AppKeys.lua


a mapping from name short cut to application keys

TIP Sample Code


Member Functions


 TODO: well known application keys
Map3DSystem.App.AppKeys = {
 Profile Application 
["profiles"] = "profiles_GUID", 
 my land, my worlds, map bbs, map search, etc. 
["map"] = "Map_GUID", 
 ccs panel, 
["CCS"] = "CCS_GUID", 
 assets panel, 
["Assets"] = "Assets_GUID", 
 creator app
["Creator"] = "Creator_GUID",
 worlds app: new, save, load world, etc.
["worlds"] = "worlds_GUID", 
["Debug"] = "Debug_GUID", 
["MyDesktop"] = "MyDesktop_GUID", 
 environment modification, like ocean, sky, terrain, etc. 
["Env"] = "Env_GUID", 
["Developers"] = "Developers_GUID", 
 taking screen shot and upload to website
["screenshot"] = "ScreenShot_GUID", 
 action feed
["actionfeed"] = "ActionFeed_GUID", 
 pet app
["pet"] = "ParaEngine.App.Pet.1.0", 
 bcs panel, 
["BCS"] = "ParaEngine.App.BCS.1.0", 
["Blueprint"] = "Blueprint_GUID", 
 new world wizards
["createworld"] = "ParaEngine.App.createworld.1.0", 
 IM, chat, city chat, etc.
["chat"] = "Chat_GUID", 
["EBook"] = "EBook_GUID", 
 world uploader and publication to map app. 
["publisher"] = "ParaEngine.App.publisher.1.0", 
 like the audition game
["dance"] = "", 
["inventory"] = "ParaEngine.App.inventory.1.0", 

 avatar appearance of the current user. 
["avatar"] = "ParaEngine.App.avatar.1.0", 
["poke"] = "ParaEngine.App.poke.1.0", 
["wall"] = "ParaEngine.App.wall.1.0", 
 artist SDK tools.
["SDK"] = "ParaEngine.App.SDK.1.0", 
["videorecorder"] = "ParaEngine.App.videorecorder.1.0", 

 Uninstallable official app_key. applications with the following keys can not be uninstalled, either because they are core utility app or official ones. 
Map3DSystem.App.UninstallableKeys = {
 system module
["EditApps_GUID"] = true,
["RoomHostApp"] = true,
["Inventory_GUID"] = true,
["ActionFeed_GUID"] = true,
["WebBrowser_GUID"] = true,

 uninstallable in current version
["worlds_GUID"] = true,
["profiles_GUID"] = true,
["Creator_GUID"] = true,
["Chat_GUID"] = true,
["Assets_GUID"] = true,
["Env_GUID"] = true,
["MyDesktop_GUID"] = true,
["ScreenShot_GUID"] = true,

 application categories
local AppCategory = {
   utility = 0,   
   game = 1,
   just_for_fun = 2,
   dating = 3,
   business = 4,
   education = 5,
   others = nil,
   -- TODO: add more here
; AppCategory = AppCategory

Map3DSystem.App._debug = {}

print app directory to log file.


function Map3DSystem.App._debug.PrintAppDirectory()


print app directory as wiki items.


function Map3DSystem.App._debug.PrintAppWikiDirectory()


register all offcial applications with the remote server. This function is for adiministration purposes only. %TESTCASE{"Register Official Apps", func="Map3DSystem.App.RegisterOfficialApps", input={uid = "123", size = 100}}%


function Map3DSystem.App.RegisterOfficialApps(input)




generate application dev wiki page for all official application. The wiki word is always XXXAppDev and parent topic is OfficialApps


function Map3DSystem.App.GenerateAppDevWikiPages()
Topic revision: r1 - 2008-02-29 - LiXizhi
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