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Li, Xizhi
LiXizhi is the founder of ParaEngine. ParaEngine Corporation is a high-tech company focusing on 3D virtual world technologies. They believe that game technology is the driving force to a new 3D Internet or web 3D. Xizhi is responsible for setting the overall direction and product strategy for the company. He leads the design of ParaEngine's service and development of its core technology and infrastructure. ParaEngine (the game engine) was initially written by him from March 2004 when he was a student at Zhejiang University. In July 2005, after graduation, he started ParaEngine Tech Studio in Shenzhen. On a day in the year 1989, he programmed his first PC game in the lab of Harbin Institute of Technology.
中文介绍: 李西峙是ParaEngine的创始人.
ParaEngine是一家专注3D虚拟现实平台开发的高技术公司. 西峙负责公司方向和产品策略的制定;同时他领导开发
上的各项核心技术和基础架构。帕拉巫社区平台让每个人都可以创造属于自己的3D社区和游戏世界. 2004年3月, 西峙开始编写ParaEngine分布式游戏引擎, 当时他还在浙大读书。2005年7月, 他在深圳创立了ParaEngine工作室。1989年的某天, 他在哈工大的实验室中编写了第一个PC游戏, 从此迷上了编程。
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Topic revision: r7 - 2009-01-15
- LiXizhi