Kids Movie Creator

Official Web Site English:
Release Date 2006.12

All Paratoon Movie creator series are powered by the ParaEngine Technology. ParaEngine is the current state-of-the-art virtual reality development platform. It supports customized applications with a full range of 3-dimentional virtual reality world experience either online or offline.

Paratoon Movie creator serie is a fantastic example of the capabilities of ParaEngine platform.It allows endless possibilities yet has a graphical user interface that is tailored for different age groups. Kids movie creator is our first product in the serie and is now ready for purchasing. We are currently running a promotion which provides great value on the purchase. Don't miss the opportunity.

Kids Movie Creator

Promotional price! $27.99 Valid until 12/31/2007

Download the game for extra saving at $24.99 Product: Kids Movie Creator MSRP: $38.00 (download price $35.00)

Summary: An entertainment software for young children aged 7 to 12. Children can use their imagination to create interactive three-dimensional virtual worlds. They can control every detail of their worlds, from sky to the sea and everything in between. They can then add a story line and give life to their virtual characters. Friends can share and edit each other's movies, or cooperate to create the movie together. This is the first of its kind in terms of movie making softwares catered specifically for young children. Children will get completely thrilled from playing this software game and let their imagination run wild. Give your child the ability to create a fairy tale world made completely from his young imaginative mind!

You will be directed to our hosting on "share-it" purchasing page with high security. Purchase Now!

Kids Movie Creator game play footage (Basic functions) Teen Movie Creator Coming soon! Product: Teen Movie Creator MSRP: Summary: An entertainment software for teens. It includes all features of Kids Movie Creator plus advanced character and building creation. With Tean Movie Creator, one can create life-like characters with customizable eyes, nose, mouse, hair styles, face types, clothing, and animate them with dozens of animations. The new buliding customization system allow users to create a building from scratch. May it be skyscapers or village houses, the inside and outside look of your building will be up to you. Imagine a virtual city filled with all kinds of characters and buildings all created by you and ready for movie shooting!

Teen Movie Creator game play footage (Building Customization System)

Teen Movie Creator game play footage (Character Customization System)

Cool Movie Creator Coming in April 2008! Product: Cool Movie Creator MSRP: Summary: An entertainment software for everyone. It includes all features of Teen Movie Creator plus networking functionalities. Users can visit, create and make movies in each other's virtual world via Internet connections. All user created worlds and movies are located on a earth-scale planet. Create your own Hollyhood studio with your friends in your neighborhood!

Topic revision: r1 - 2008-04-05 - LiXizhi
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