Assets App
Asset app allows users to upload and create photo and 3D model albums and share with friends. Users can also customize which photos or 3D models to be included in the mainbar:creation toolbar to be conviniently used to create or decorate its 3d world. Application developers can also publish its album on its application homepage for users of the application to be able to create stuffs using the assets.
Summary of Contents
Screenshots & User Guide
Model Browser
美术组成员: 旧版的资源浏览器不再使用了。目前采用基于MCML的新的模型浏览器,见下面截图。

: 这个模型浏览器是做为官方应用程序发行的,所以高级用户也可以使用; 普通用户还是从下部的创建工具栏中创建物体
Asset Manager Window
定制下面的创造工具栏的程序 (BCS, 人物, 物品等)
PackageMaker is an application to create a redistributable zip package. A zip package may contain part of, one or several application redistributable files.
- Zip File Directory: using a treeview with checkbox to include files on a local disk in a zip package file.
- There should be a package project text file which contains a plain list of filepaths that should be included in a zip package. It may contain regular expressions such as: "script/.*%.lua"
- the zip directory treeview should also provide a bool function (filepath), that returns true if the file is being used by the system at the moment. Then the user can check files accordingly.
- Package installer script: at the root of a zip package file, there is a file called package.xml, which contains package installation information.
- package readme.txt: it is an optional text file at the root directory.
- package about.html: it is an optional MCML or html file at the root directory.
新建/打开 安装包---》导入安装包---》步骤1:选择文件---》步骤2:预览文件---》步骤3:生成发行包
如果是在“新建安装包”的时候,请记得 点击“新建发行包”按钮,确认创建压缩包的文本文件 !
如果是在“打开安装包”的时候,请记得 点击“加载”按钮,确认加载压缩包的文本文件 !
1 新建/打开安装包
2 导入安装包(导入已经存在的压缩包文本文件,你可以手工编写这个文件)请记得点击“加载”按钮,确认加载文本文件成功!
支持的通配符: "*.*","*.x","*.png","*.dds","*.lua","*.htm","*.html","*.xml","*.jpg","*.jpeg","*.gif","*.swf","*.avi","*.mp3"
3 选中文件
4 文件预览(预览所有选中的文件)
5 生成发行包
Detailed Documentation
Installation Instructions
Note: You do not need to install anything on the client to use this contrib package.
- Download the ZIP file from the app web (see below)
- Restart application
Application Info
Related Topics: InsidePE
- 2008-04-28