Form Definition for ParaEngine Application Page
Note: This web has two forms: This AppForm for PE Application page, and
WebForm for all other types of topics. To switch between forms, edit a topic and press the [ Change ] button.
Name: |
Type: |
Size: |
Values: |
Tooltip message: |
TopicClassification |
select |
1 |
Select one..., NormalApp, AddOnApp, AssetsApp, ContribApp, ObsoleteApp, IncompleteApp, PlannedApp |
Classify a topic |
AppCategory |
select |
1 |
Select category ... |
TestedOnPE |
checkbox+button |
2 |
ParaEngineVersion01x00, ParaEngineVersion01x01 |
Tested on what ParaEngine version |
InstalledOnPE |
radio |
2 |
No, Yes |
whether installed on ParaEngine servers |
DemoUrl |
text |
60 |
http:// |
A URL where this package can be seen in action |
DevelopedInSVN |
radio |
2 |
No, Yes |
Package is checked in to the subversion repository |
ModificationPolicy |
radio |
3 |
PleaseFeelFreeToModify, ContactAuthorFirst |
What the author wants you to do about making modifications to this package |
RelatedTopics |
text |
60 |
Links to categories and related topics |
Form definition 'WebForm' not found
Topic revision: r4 - 2008-04-28
- LiXizhi