mcml is an XML format describing profile box items and other display items in paraworld, such as task, quick action, action feed, tradableitem, etc.
One can think of it as the HTML counterpart in 3D social networking world for describing renderable objects in 2D and 3D.
it conforms with the ide/LuaXML conversion format, so that the script table defined here has a strict XML translation.
mcml is a universal format defined by ParaEngine. and any thing in the name space "pe" is official mcml control node that can be data binded to NPL controls.
mcml_controls for rendering mcml data is defined in mcml/mcml_controls and mcml/pe_* files.
tag overview:
- social tags: pe:profile pe:userinfo pe:friends pe:app pe:name pe:profile-action pe:profile-box pe:app-home-button
- map tags: pe:map-mark pe:map-mark2d pe:map-tile
- design tags: pe:container pe:dialog pe:tabs pe:tab-item pe:treeview pe:treenode pe:image pe:flash
- component tags:pe:roomhost pe:market pe:comments
- editor display: pe:editor pe:editor-buttonset pe:editor-button pe:editor-text pe:editor-divider pe:editor-custom pe:editor-radiobox(same as ) pe:editor-checkbox (same as )
HTML editor tags are implemented by editor:
- control tags: pe:visible-to-owner
- worlds tags:pe:world pe:world-ip pe:model pe:avatar
- HTML tags:, h1, h2,h3, h4, li, p, div, hr, a(href), img(attr: src,height, width, title),