
JGSL Grid (grid server)

Title JGSL Grid (grid server)
Author(s) LiXizhi
Date 2008/8/3
File script/kids/3DMapSystemNetwork/JGSL_history.lua


TIP Sample Code

local history = Map3DSystem.JGSL.history:new();

Member Functions


clear all history. call this function when a server restart.


function history:clear()


add the total number of creations and env changes.


function history:GetTotalCount()


when the server receives some client updates that contains creations, it will save all clients' creations to an array. At normal update time, the server will broadcast previous creations to the clients.

  • param creations : an array of creation history
  • param fromJID : who added this creations.


function history:AddCreations(creations, fromJID)


creations an array of creation history


when the server receives some client updates that contains env updates, it will save all clients' creations to an array. At normal update time, the server will broadcast previous envs to the clients.

  • param env : an array of env history
  • param fromJID : who added this env.


function history:AddEnvs(env, fromJID)


env an array of env history


get an array of creations from the server creation history.

  • param agent : the agent for whom creations will be retrieved. In fact, it will return all creations who time is larger than agent.LastCreationHistoryTime, and whose agent.fromJID is different from the one in creation history.
  • param MaxCount : nil or max number of creations to return. This prevents sending too many in a single message.
  • return __ : return nil or an array of creations for sending back to the client agent


function history:GetCreationsForClientAgent(agent, MaxCount)


| agent | the agent for whom creations will be retrieved. In fact, it will return all creations who time is larger than agent.LastCreationHistoryTime, and whose agent.fromJID is different from the one in creation history. |

return return nil or an array of creations for sending back to the client agent


get an array of creations from the server creation history.

  • param agent : the agent for whom creations will be retrieved. In fact, it will return all creations who time is larger than agent.LastEnvHistoryTime, and whose agent.fromJID is different from the one in creation history.
  • param MaxCount : nil or max number of creations to return. This prevents sending too many in a single message.
  • return __ : return nil or an array of creations for sending back to the client agent


function history:GetEnvsForClientAgent(agent, MaxCount)


| agent | the agent for whom creations will be retrieved. In fact, it will return all creations who time is larger than agent.LastEnvHistoryTime, and whose agent.fromJID is different from the one in creation history. |

return return nil or an array of creations for sending back to the client agent
Topic revision: r1 - 2008-02-29 - LiXizhi
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