ParaEngine Company Page


ParaEninge公司(简称PE)主要进行“分布式计算机游戏引擎”(ParaEngine)的研发,我们在这项专有的游戏引擎技术上正开发各种应用,同时将授权更多的合作伙伴使用这项技术进行各种3D应用的开发。我们相信这项游戏引擎技术能够为3D互联网提供更强大的动力,构建未来的的Web3D应用模式。欢迎您加入我们的团队或与我们合作,开发更多的3D应用程序。 PEDN是PE公司面向协同开发者的开发网站,在这里我们会公布有关ParaEngine的技术文档及APP,更多的详细信息请浏览PEDN网站的相关栏目。


  • "帕拉巫"迷你小宇宙之卡通工坊(

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  • 2008.2 PE开始建立PEDN网站,进行与合作伙伴直接沟通的技术协作开发平台,目前正处理内部测试阶段,预计4.30正式对外开放PEDN。
  • 2007.10.12-10.17,ParaEngine参加07年度中国国际高新技术成果交易会(高交会),展会期间我们举办了帕拉巫"卡通工坊"软件(Kids3DMovie)的现场体验,上千位家长携带儿童进行了体验,对帕拉巫"卡通工坊"的展览赞不绝口。
  • 2007.10.12 ParaEngine官方网站上线
  • 2007.9.5 与深圳市青少年宫合作,为“全国科普日”设计“一元环保节能”演示环境,包括一个3D互动场景及一部科普短片,家长们带领儿童参加了体验,对PE的Kids3DMovie产品非常赞赏。
  • 2007.7 Kids3DMovie平台网站上线, 为中文网站, 为英文网站。
  • 2007.6 完成网络版的Kids3DMovie测试。
  • 2006.12.25 ParaEngine在download.com发布Kids3DMovie英文测试版。
  • 2006.10.12-10.17 ParaEngine 工作室参加了2006年度中国国际高新技术成果交易会。
  • 2006.9.10 "3D分布式游戏引擎设计"(350页)撰写完毕,准备出版。
  • 2006.8.19-8.31 ParaEngine工作室进行了二轮alpha测试,我们邀请了一些8-12岁的儿童组成的测试小组,进行3D场景创建及进行动画拍摄。
  • 2006.8.1  ParaEngine推出VR虚拟现实的演示。
  • 2006.7 ParaEngine工作室成立,我们开始拥有一个专业的研发队伍,进行面向7-12岁儿童的3D内容创作及电影拍摄产品的研发。
  • 2006.3 ParaEngine授权HangShang开发儿童教育软件。
  • 2005.11 基于ParEngine制作了一些科技类演示短片。
  • 2005.10.31 ParaEngine推出可供演示的V0.9版本,并建立了一个简单的测试场景,有两名定制人物,有海洋、建筑等现实世界的仿真场景。并加入了V0.1版本的电影制作功能,可以自己撰写脚本,设定演员动作和导演。
  • 2005.8.1 公布了ParaEngnine游戏引擎的介绍文档。


  • 资金:我们致力于WEB3D这项新一代互联网事业的奋斗,我们需要资金的支持。
  • 建议:我们是一个年轻的团队,我们需要更多有经验的人为我们提供发展建议及帮助。
  • 技术:如果您具有专业技能与创业热情,欢迎加入我们的开发团队,我们的团队需要更多重要的骨干。
  • 推广:如果您能够把我们的技术和产品推荐给其它的合作者,请和我们联系。
  • 合作:如果您需要我们的技术或产品,请把您希望实现的项目介绍给我们,我们会积极考虑合作。


ParaEngine: 是一个由客户端与服务器端分别运算的C/S“分布式计算机游戏引擎”,一个实时的3D应用,我们利用ParaEngine开发一些不同的应用。





STIbuliding.jpg 李西峙: LiXizhi (CTO & 首席程序员)
Phone: 86-755-86022734-1003
Fax: 86-755-86022734-1001
Address: 深圳市高新科技园南区科技南十路 深圳航天科技创新研究院D座603


Development Team Administrative Team
LiXizhi: director & lead programmer
TianWang: core programmer


PE拥有完全自主产权的游戏引擎和游戏产品线,我们可以支持或定制有特殊需要的游戏引擎和游戏产品, 我们拥有一些独特和创新的产品设计,但它只能由我们的开发团队来完成,因此我们希望与您或您的团队在以下几个方面有更深入的合作关系:

  • 具有游戏开发背景的团队或个人与我们紧密合作共同开发,与我们分享产品收益。
  • 学校或者游戏工作室/个人和我们合作开发史无前例的在线游戏及应用。
  • 投资一些属于我们建议的产品,和我们一起分享产品收益。



  • 2D/3D 美术设计者
  • 3D 动画设计
  • 网站/网页设计
  • 下一代引擎程序开发员


Technology Licensing

If you wish to build your own 3D engine or using a licensed engine for game development or any real-time 3D application, ParaEngine might be your choice. We license our technology in a variety of favors, such as free to individual users, with minimum charges to companies and research institutes, etc.
ParaEngine is still under active development, and we will formally license the technology after we release its first game application ourselves. However, at the moment, we are willing to license it free of charge to people and institutes who want to build concrete applications using our technology.

Common Questions

Q: Are you a company now?
A: Not yet. But members of the team have started working on the project since early 2004. In July 2005, the ParaEngine Tech Studio is formally established in Shenzhen Tech-Innovation International (STI), Since then, we have become a well organized team of software developers and designers. The studio is funded mostly by the Institute. A company will be registered when we had further investment and summoned the required people. [Updated 2007.10: We are now a registered company called ParaEngine Corporation]
Q: Is ParaEngine completely developed by your studio?
A: Yes, ParaEngine is a 3D computer game engine completely developed by us. We own the intellectual property of the game engine. ParaEngine is initially designed and developed by Li, Xizhi, director and lead programmer of the studio.
Q: Is ParaEngine suitable for game development now?
A: Yes, it is suitable for client side game development now. In fact, we are already using it to develop our first game product. However, we can now offer limited support for server side development; because it is still under development. ParaEngine features a new network programming paradigm through a dedicated scripting language called NPL. NPL is ideal for developing distributed game logics on an arbitrary network. The complete network development environment will be released to the public at the end of 2006.
Q: Where can I get further information about the product and your plan?
A: We do not publish confidential information through the web, please contact us by phone or email for detailed information. You are welcome to visit our workplace.
Q: How can I help you?
A: You can help us in a variety of ways:
A1. Financial support: as a result, you may become the co-owner of the company.
A2. Expert opinions: we are a young team and we establish close relationships with experienced people. Sometimes, your opinions could simply be the best help to us. And we would like to have you as honored members in our consultant or administrative team.
A3. Skills: If you have the skills and the passion, join us in the development team and play an important role in it.
A4. Promotion: If you can help us promote the technology and product to other people, please contact us.
A5. Cooperation: If you want to use our technology or product in a different way, please describe your project to us, we will actively consider cooperation.
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